oil vegetable Organic by Walnut

Olio di NOCI

Walnut oil is rich in unsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, about 65%, including the precious Omega-6 and Omega-3, which make it an oil suitable for daily use. Therefore, this product is an excellent aid for bringing high blood values back to normal, in fact it has a rebalancing action on the nervous system that shields the cardiovascular system, thus regulating cholesterol and triglycerides. With its delicate taste, slightly bitter, it has various food used, especially as a dressing for vegetarian recipes.

CATEGORIA Frutta secca – Convenzionale
INCI Juglans regia
FABBRICAZIONE Spremitura a freddo- Vergine
Origine Europa – Moldavia
CARATTERISTICHE Ricco di Omega-3 e Omega-6, regola il colesterolo e i trigliceridi. Diversi alimenti utilizzati, soprattutto come condimento vegetariano.
oil vegetable Organic

Questo prodotto può essere offerto anche raffinato o deodorato.

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Organic Vegetable Oil made from Vegetable seeds